In Episode drei stellen wir euch das Mondo-Magazin vor. Dazu haben wir zwei der Gründer eingeladen, Tim Gaedke und Jeff Chi. Beide sind seit einigen Jahren als Comic-Künstler aktiv und haben nach anfänglichen Webcomics mittlerweile auch Gedrucktes veröffentlicht.
Wenn du Berliner Künstler/in bist und im Podcast vorgestellt werden möchtest, schau mal hier.
The third episode brings us Tim Gaedke and Jeff Chi from Mondo Magazine. They tell us what Mondo is about and how it came to be. So far there are 3 issues ("Desire", "this time it's personal" and "passion"). Tim and Jeff also talk about their experience with Comic Invasion Berlin so far. As usual there's a recommendation for a coming comic event which you can find in the shownotes.
If you want to be part of the podcast or have your comics discussed on the program read this and/or ping us: [email protected]
Wenn du Berliner Künstler/in bist und im Podcast vorgestellt werden möchtest, schau mal hier.
The third episode brings us Tim Gaedke and Jeff Chi from Mondo Magazine. They tell us what Mondo is about and how it came to be. So far there are 3 issues ("Desire", "this time it's personal" and "passion"). Tim and Jeff also talk about their experience with Comic Invasion Berlin so far. As usual there's a recommendation for a coming comic event which you can find in the shownotes.
If you want to be part of the podcast or have your comics discussed on the program read this and/or ping us: [email protected]
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iTunes, RSS-Feed
- Comic Invasion Contest Tables and Satellite Event Registration
- Tim Gaedke auf Twitter und Website
- Jeff Chi auf Twitter und Website
- Mondo Website
25 Jahre Reprodukt Freitag, 11. März | 18 Uhr | “Weltraumkrümel” über Berlin
Craig Thompson im Gespräch mit Matthias Wieland
Stadtbibliothek am Luisenbad, Travemünder Str. 2, D-13357 Berlin
Eintritt frei http://www.dreimalalles.info/event/craig-thompson-berlin-frankfurt-Stuttgart
- 00:00 Begrüßung
- 00:40 CIB-News
- 02:50 Tim & Jeff
- 25:16 Termine