Lara und Carlos sprechen mit Marc Seestaedt über die Comic Invasion Berlin. Außerdem erzählen wir euch, was wir in diesem Podcast eigentlich vorhaben. Wenn du Berliner Künstler/in bist und im Podcast vorgestellt werden möchtest, schau mal hier.
In the inaugural episode of the CIB Podcast Carlos and Lara introduce themselves and the idea of the podcast. Guest Marc Seestedt, who is one of the founders and organisers of the Invasion, tells about the origin and progress of the festival. We talk about the satellite events, projects like comics workshops for refugees and Bildkorrektur, and how YOU can participate (tables etc.). We conclude the episode with some event suggestions in the coming days and weeks (see shownotes).
If you want to be part of the podcast or have your comics discussed on the program read this and/or ping us: [email protected]
In the inaugural episode of the CIB Podcast Carlos and Lara introduce themselves and the idea of the podcast. Guest Marc Seestedt, who is one of the founders and organisers of the Invasion, tells about the origin and progress of the festival. We talk about the satellite events, projects like comics workshops for refugees and Bildkorrektur, and how YOU can participate (tables etc.). We conclude the episode with some event suggestions in the coming days and weeks (see shownotes).
If you want to be part of the podcast or have your comics discussed on the program read this and/or ping us: [email protected]
- 00:00 - 03:42: Vorstellungsrunde
- 03:42 - 14:44: Was ist die Invasion | Entstehungsgeschichte | Wer steckt dahinter ?
- 14:44 - 43:01: Satelliten Events | Projekte | Was passiert auf der Invasion? | Wie kann man mitmachen?
- 43:02 - 45:15: Was wollen wir mit dem Podcast? | Haut uns an! Schickt uns eure Sachen! Seid dabei als Interviewgast!
- 45:15 - 46:54: Veranstaltungstipps rund ums Thema Comics in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen
Renate Comic Bibliothek, Shop und Stammtisch
- Unsere Email Adresse zum Mitmachen: [email protected]
- Bildkorrektur – Mit Comics gegen Bürgerängste
- Ali Fitzgerald und ihre Workshops für Flüchtlinge
- Berlin Graphic Days
- Comics and the Beast
- Yay, Comics!